The Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board (WCGRB) has downloadable documents that are associated with the gaming sector in the Western Cape province. The list includes; Strategic Plan, Annual Reports, Gaming Statistics, Technical Indicators, Performance Plans, Research Reports and PAIA Manual.

Please click on the buttons below to navigate to the relevant section.



It gives me great pleasure to present, on behalf of the Board, the Strategic Plan (SP) of the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board for the period 2020/21-2024/25. This Board’s SP is rooted in the principles and targets of the development trajectory as set out in South Africa’s National Development Plan.

The SP of the Board is informed by the Provincial Strategic Plan (PSP) 2019 - 2024. The PSP sets out the Western Cape Government’s (WCG) vision and strategic priorities. Its content is defined by the WCG’s approach to addressing the economic, social, and development challenges in the Province.

Mr D Lakay
Previous Chairperson of the Board


It is with pleasure that I present the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board’s annual report for the 2023/2024 reporting period. The WCGRB was incorporated with the promulgation of the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Act, Act 4 of 1996. In terms of Schedule 3C of the PFMA, the WCGRB is a provincial public entity.
The WCGRB’s prime mandate, as legislated, is to regulate the gambling industry in the Western Cape. Its ancillary mandate includes contributing to the economy of the Western Cape in an innovative and socially responsible manner.
The gambling industry has experienced significant growth in gross gambling revenue during the 31 March 2024 financial year. For the 31 March 2024 financial year, the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board has collected gambling taxes and levies in the amount of R1,5 billion.
The regulation of gambling is mainly achieved through the licensing of suitable, fit-for-purpose persons and entities to conduct gambling operations in the Province and to ensure that the gambling industry complies with national and provincial gambling legislation. Through the licensing process, the Board unlocks economic opportunities while it gives effect to economic transformation.
The Board, as Regulator and licensing authority, is legally mandated to enforce the principles of B-BBEE in the industry it regulates.
In addition to the B-BBEE objectives towards transformation, licence holders made various commitments towards Corporate Social Investment in the different regions. The WCGRB continues to comply with the judgement on B-BBEE (Tsogo Sun Caledon (Pty) Ltd and Others v Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board and Another (Case no 89/2021) [2022] ZASCA 102 (24 June 2022) and has developed a policy for the Western Cape Gambling industry which is being rolled out to the gambling industry.
The WCGRB is pleased to report that the industry contributed R30,7 million towards CSI programmes for the reporting period.
The legislated number of Board Members is seven non-executive members. As a collective, the seven members are the WCGRB’s Accounting Authority. The quorum for a Board meeting is five members. During the year under review, the WCGRB had seven appointed members and accordingly was fully constituted.
The Ministry currently employs the practice of appointing Board members for a term of four years. This results in continuity and provides Board Members with the time to become proficient in their functions at the WCGRB.
The WGRB’s personnel structure has remained constant for at least the last 15 years. In that same time, the gambling industry has evolved and grown exponentially. This expansion is currently taxing the WCGRB’s resources to optimally achieve its functions and meet the expectations of licence holders.
The WCGRB appointed a service provider to assess the WCGRB’s structure and the resources needed to effectively service its mandate. This exercise has been completed and approved by the WCGRB Board, but the WCGRB would need the financial resources to fund the implementation of the recommendations.
The WCGRB does not have the authority to increase its revenue stream without the approval of the relevant Minister as all financially affected decisions are subject to ministerial budget approval. The WCGRB’s revenue streams are dictated by legislation which the WCGRB has no authority to amend and consequently becomes dependent on the Western Cape Government to amend legislation.
In a recent WCPT public entity review, it was found that the WCGRB’s remuneration for senior staff were amongst the lowest across provincial public entities. In addition, compared to the other South African Gambling Regulatory Boards, the remuneration structure is lower than most of them. This places the WCGRB at a disadvantage and risks losing its key employees to other entities.
The WCGRB has taken possession of its newly acquired office accommodation at 24 Fairway Close and is currently in the process of acquiring a suitably qualified project manager to manage the process for the WCGRB for the refurbishment and fit-out of its building. Notwithstanding the challenges, the WCGRB has delivered on its mandate.
The WCGRB has achieved a clean audit outcome and achieved 74% of its performance indicators.
Medium Term Goals
The process for rolling out type B LPMs is well underway and the rollout should commence by the third quarter of the 2024/25 fiscal year. In addition, the WCGRB will be reviewing and planning its roll-out of type C and type D LPMs as well as Bingo. Not only would this have a marginal effect on the WCGRB’s revenue stream as well as taxes for the WCG Fiscus, but also give heed to the request by the industry for these legislated offerings to be made available.
In all of this, the WCGRB will pay extreme attention to the protection of society from the over-stimulation of gambling, a fair and viable gambling industry in the Western Cape Province, economic empowerment of the historically disadvantaged and the promotion of economic growth, development and employment.
The enhancement of responsible gambling measures in the Western Cape gambling industry is receiving focused attention by the WCGRB with research being conducted in this regard as well as policies and plans having been developed and being implemented throughout the industry in a phased approach.
During the course of the 2024/5 fiscal year, the WCGRB will develop its Strategic Plan for the period 2025 - 2030.
I hereby acknowledge and thank the Provincial Minister Mireille Wenger for her invaluable support and understanding of the WCGRB, the WCPT, the SCOF, and the PAC for their support and guidance, fellow Board members, the WCGRB Audit and Risk Committee for their oversight and direction in the achievement of the mandate of the Board and the WCGRB executive and employees for the efficient execution of their duties notwithstanding the complexities and impediments brought about by inadequate resources. Their efforts are recognised and gratefully appreciated.
Mr C Bassuday
Chairperson of the Board


The Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board (WCGRB) is responsible for providing a stable, just, consistent, and effective regulatory environment for gambling in the province.
Overall, it must inspire public confidence and trust that gambling in the province is conducted honestly and is free from corrupt elements, as well as promote responsible gambling.
The WCGRB also works to ensure that gambling contributes towards the economy of the Western Cape. This is done in two ways – firstly with the industry itself creating opportunities for employment, and secondly through the collection of taxes and levies that contribute to government revenue.
In setting out the WCGRB’s Annual Performance Plan for 2024/25, guidance was taken from key strategies of the Western Cape Government, including the Provincial Strategic Plan, the Western Cape Recovery Plan, and the Growth For Jobs (G4J) economic strategy. The Provincial Strategic Plan and the Western Cape Recovery Plan provide the context for the budget policy priorities of Growth for Jobs, Safety, and Wellbeing supported by the enablers of Innovation, Culture and Governance, with the G4J Strategy setting out a clear path to enabling ‘breakout’ economic growth needed to lift many more people out of poverty and into prosperity.
With the aim of enabling a R1 trillion jobs-rich, diverse, sustainable economy, growing at a rate between 4% and 6% annually, the WCGRB has a role to play in assisting the province in reaching this goal.
This is all taken into consideration in the development of the WCGRB’s vision which, over the next five years, aims to be the leading gambling regulatory authority for innovative, sustainable business practices, that maximises economic opportunities in a socially responsible manner with the purpose of having a properly regulated gambling industry in the Western Cape.
To this end, the Annual Performance Plan will assist in monitoring and evaluating the performance of the Board against set criteria, thereby enhancing corporate governance, effectiveness, efficiency and public accountability.
The WCGRB has my full support as they set about implementing the 2024/25 Annual Performance Plan to ensure the objectives and programmes achieve maximum benefit for all who live in the Western Cape.
Ms Mireille Mary Wenger
Minister for Finance and Economic Opportunities


The King IV Report on Corporate Governance contains the King IV Code which sets out recommended practices and principles. Corporate governance, for the purposes of King IV, is defined as the exercise of ethical and effective leadership by the governing body towards the achievement of the following governance outcomes: ethical culture, good performance, effective control and legitimacy.

Through application of the “apply and explain” approach to reporting, this report is aimed at assisting stakeholders in assessing the Board’s approach to corporate governance and application of the King IV practices and principles.

This report is for the period 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021 and should be read together with the Board’s 2020/21 Annual Report as published on the Board’s website.


WCGRB Corporate Governance Report 2022


The Promotion of Access to Information Act (“PAIA”), 2000 (Act 2 of 2000), was promulgated to give effect to the constitutional right of access to information held by the State or by another person which information is required for the exercise or protection of any rights. This right is entrenched in Section 32 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996

The Western Cape Gambling and Racing Board (“the WCGRB”) is a Schedule 3C public entity in terms of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No. 1 of 1999), as amended (“PFMA”). The WCGRB is established in terms of the Western Cape Gambling and Racing Act, 1996, as amended (“the Act”) and is in terms of Section 14 of PAIA duty-bound to compile a manual concerning the records and information held by the WCGRB.